Tutorial: 04-plugins-quick-view




The fastest key>value plugin.

  onGet('fast://someKey', someHandler)


A deeply-dotted-key aware plugin.

  • It allows you to get/set/subscribe to any deeply-dotted-key
  • The change events are propagated to every parent and to only those child whose value has been changed.
  onGet('dotted://someKey.foo', someFooHandler)
  onGet('dotted://someKey.bar.baz', someBarHandler)

  set('dotted://someKey', {
    foo: 42,
    bar: {
      baz: 'quz'


  • remove It removes a value
  onGet('dotted://foo', value => console.log(JSON.stringify(value)))

  set('dotted://foo.bar', { baz: 42 }) // {"bar":{"baz":42}}

  command('dotted://foo.bar.baz', 'remove') {"bar":{}}


A plugin with independent histories for each key

  • It allows you to undo/redo on the fields you want to. For instance, in a text editor you could be interested in undo the content but not the UX state like zoom level.
  • You can also subscribe to prev and next steps.
  onGet('history://someKey', someHandler)
  set('history://someKey', 'first step')
  set('history://someKey', 'second step')
  command('history://someKey', 'undo')
  set('history://someKey', 'new second step')


  • replace It set a new value, without advancing the history
  • undo It undoes a step in the history
  • redo It redoes a step in the history
  • goto It makes the indicated step the active one
  • first It makes the history go to the first step
  • last It makes the history go to the last step
  • length It returns the amount of steps in the history
  • undoLength It returns the amount of undoable steps in the history
  • redoLength It returns the amount of redoable steps in the history


A plugin that uses localStorage, so the state is persistent and it trigger the subscription handlers if the value is changed from other tabs.

It serializes and deserialize the values.



A plugin that uses sessionStorage, so the state is persistent between reloads but different between tabs.

It serializes and deserialize the values.



A plugin that obtain the values from HTTP GET requests.

Requests to the same endpoint are debounced and their responses are cached and periodically refreshed.

  onGet('/absolute/url', someHandler)
  onGet('relative/foo', someOtherHandler)
  onGet('https://full.url', someThirdHandler)
  • You can set a value, to speed things up if you optimistically know the value that the enpoint will return, (for instance after making some other POST to the API)
  • You can ask for a manual refresh, to not wait for the periodical one, if you know the value has changed, , (for instance after making some POST to the API)
  • get is syncronous, so used with urls from fetch plugin, it only returns a value if the url has been used previously with onGet, useOnGet or set
  • You can use beforeRefetch to configure the fetch call.