
import { findPlugin } from '../private/findPlugin'
import { resources } from './conf'

 * Returns the value of a resource
 * If the resource has not been used yet, so it has no value cached, the plugin that deals with its url could evaluate the value. This is only possible when the evaluation is synchronous and the plugins has the `get` method defined.
 * @param {string} url url of the resource
 * @returns {any} the cached value is exists, or an evaluated value if plugin.get exists
 * @example
 * import { get } from 'onget'
 * set('sessionStorage://foo', 42)
 * get('sessionStorage://foo') // 42
 * get('localStorage://foo') // undefined
export function get (url) {
  const resource = resources[url]
  if (resource) {
    resource.clean = undefined
    return resources[url].value
  const plugin = findPlugin(url)
  if (!plugin.get) {
    return undefined
  return plugin.get(url)